Family is very important to us. It’s one of the reasons we became real estate agents. Thinking of the impact we have on family’s lives either helping them get their dream home OR getting their home sold so they can move on is astounding and a privilege we take very seriously. Nothing says family quite like the fall season, wouldn’t you agree? There’s something about a pumpkin & hayride that brings out the kid in all of us. Perhaps due to the memories we had as children seeing unique candle-lit pumpkins on porches as you drive by, thoughts of halloweens past & the recollection of the fun (& messy times) using our creativity designing the face of our pumpkin.
We certainly all know the conventional method for carving a pumpkin with a sharp serrated knife, then a scooper to empty the pumpkin of its “insides”, then dropping in a candle. How exciting to see your pumpkin emit light, right?! But did you know there’s another way to ‘carve’ a pumpkin ideal for kids, that’s safer and farrr less messy, yet just as effective in creating wonderful family moments.
It’s scraping away the top layer of the pumpkin, rather than a complete carving.

Here are the tools: – Pen (for the kids to create their pumpkin face) – Melon scoop (for the kids to use) – Paring knife (for you to use as directed)

How to: 1) Let each child design their unique face (or whatever they choose) on the pumpkin with their pen.
2) Using a paring knife, you cut into the pumpkin following your child’s design outline.
3) With the melon scoop, let your child scrape out the inside of the outline you made with your paring knife to reveal the face (or unique design) your child created.
No more pumpkin seed mess means less clean up for you.
Using the melon scoop means kids feel pride in truly “carving” their pumpkin.
We’d call that a true win/win family time together. And we bet your kids will do this same unconventional pumpkin carving with their kids, so you may be starting a wonderful family tradition which will become an important part of family memories for many generations to come! How wonderful is that!?!
Thinking about a move? Wondering what your home is worth in today’s market? Text us today and let’s schedule a no-obligation chat. It’s our passion to help families, just like yours. We do it every day and feel blessed to have the opportunity!
